Sound Off
artists have a lot to say about Napster: |
just want my music to be out, and that's always been the main priority.
It was never really about getting paid. It was just getting people to hear
my music and say, 'Hey, I like your song.' So if Napster wants to put my
song out so people can download it or whatever, let 'em do it."
Billy Joe Armstrong (Green Day), Reuters, 2/12/2001
It is the future, in my opinion. That's the way music is going to be communicated
around the world. The most important thing now is to embrace it, and that
was the spirit by which we did this co-promotion."
Dave Matthews (Dave Matthews Band), referring to his band's recent Featured
Music promotion with Napster, Billboard.com, 2/9/2001
people I know who use Napster listen to stuff they've never heard before.
And then they get psyched and go out and buy the damn records. It's more
like a sampler."
Ian MacKaye, recording artist, Fugazi and co-owner of Dischord Records,
Salon.com, 1/8/2001
makes artists ask why they are not in control of what they are doing. Artists
of any worth or strength will rise up and take control of the situation."
Dave Stewart of the Eurythmics
believe that the Internet and Napster should not be ignored by the music
industry as tools to promote awareness for bands and market music."
Fred Durst (Limp Bizkit)
cool thing about Napster is that it...encourages enthusiasm for music in
a way that the music industry has long forgotten to do."
Thom Yorke (Radiohead), 10/9/2000
are a lot of bigger problems in the world than whether Napster succeeds
or fails...I don't think there is a malice coming out of Napster. We allowed
people to tape our concerts from the beginning, and the record company
questioned us about allowing that. But my thinking was that it only makes
people want to buy more and increases the devotion of people who are going
to listen to us."
Dave Matthews (Dave Matthews Band), Rolling Stone, 7/21/2000
could be a great way for people to hear your music who wouldn't have the
chance to hear it on the radio."
Madonna, Rolling Stone, 9/28/2000
our copyright provisions in the dead of night when no-one is looking is
piracy. It's not piracy when kids swap music over the Internet using Napster.
There were one billion downloads last year but music sales are way up,
so how is Napster hurting the music industry? It's not. The only people
who are scared of Napster are the people who have filler on their albums
and are scared that if people hear more than one single they're not going
to buy the album."
Courtney Love, NME, 6/29/2000
should think of (Napster) as a new kind of radio--a promotional tool that
can help artists who don't have the opportunity to get their music played
on mainstream radio or on MTV,"
Chuck D, New York Times, 4/30/2000
people I know who listen to a lot of MP3s will download a lot of different
songs. And if they like the song, they'll go out and buy the album. The
record company doesn't want me to say this, but out of the millions of
MP3 files that are out there, if someone chooses to download one of my
songs or an album of mine, I'm very flattered."
Moby, Macaddict.com
Edge is very pro-Napster, actually," Bono says. "He thinks that as long
as people are using their computers for music, and not playing mindless
games, that's good. My feeling," he adds, "is that it's cool for people
to share our music -- as long as no one is making money from the process.
We tell people who come to our concerts that they can tape the shows if
they want. I think it's cool that people are so passionate about our music
-- especially about this new album, quite honestly."
Bono on The Edge (U2), Billboard.com, 9/29/2000
is a good way to promote your music, but copyright and things of that sort
are something that will have to be worked out and they will be worked out.
I remember when they didn't want you to have a VCR, but they worked it
out and I think for the best. Smart people always get together and work
it out."
B.B. King, Yahoo Entertainment News, 9/13/2000
have just finished a tour, we played in Barcelona, the next day the entire
performance was up on Napster and three weeks later when we got to play
in Israel the audience knew the words to all the new songs and it was wonderful.
Digital music is just one of many things that contribute to an artist getting
their message across and of course it is going to change record companies
are going to have to embrace it and change with it and find different ways
of getting revenue, maybe using Napster as a business model for their own
on-line thing."
Colin Greenwood (Radiohead), NME, 9/28/2000
not afraid of the Internet. We think it's a very cool way to reach our
fans. If a band sells 12 million albums, what are we supposed to say? Oh,
maybe we could have sold 13 million if we had just been Internet Nazis.
Frankly, at a certain point, you have to say. Hey, let the people have
the music."
Dexter Holland (Offspring), Inside.com, 9/15/2000
think it's a good idea because it's people trading music. It has nothing
to do with industry or finance, it's just people that want music and there's
nothing wrong with that. It's the same as someone turning on the f******
radio, it's the same as someone putting a cassette in a cassette deck when
the BBC plays a special radio session. I don't think it's a crime, it's
been going on for years. It's the same as people making tapes for each
other. The industry is more threatened by it because it's the worldwide
web and it's a broader scope of trading, but I don't think it's such a
f******* horrible thing. The first thing we should do is get all the f******
millionaires to shut their mouths, stop bitching about the 25 cents a time
they're losing."
Dave Grohl (Foo Fighters), dotmusic.com, 9/15/2000
can't believe Napster might be shut down. Music is for everybody. When
people get excited about it, whether from hearing it on the radio or borrowing
a record from a friend, or accessing it through Napster, they buy records
and come out to shows."
Ben Folds (Ben Folds Five), Entertainment Weekly, 8/11/2000
record companies don't really understand is that Napster is just one illustration
of the growing frustration over how much the record companies control what
music people get 2 hear < over how the air waves, record labels and
record stores, which r now all part of this 'system' that recording companies
have pretty much succeeded in establishing, r becoming increasingly dominated
by musical "products" 2 the detriment of real music. Y should the record
company have such control over how he, the music lover, wants 2 xperience
the music?... >From the point of view of the real music lover, what's currently
going on can only b viewed as an xciting new development in the history
of music. And, 4tunately 4 him, there does not seem 2 b anything the old
record companies can do about preventing this evolution from happening."
Prince, NPGonlineLTD.com
amount of time companies spend stressing about getting a record on radio,
you would think that the idea of some big, global listening post would
make perfect sense. And while enough people enjoy the social interaction
of going into a record shop and buying something to keep and cherish, I
don't see why we can't all live in one big happy music-sharing world."
Damian Harris (owner of SKINT) (Fatboy Slim's label), NME, 9/8/2000